Chrome Music Lab Experiments and Video Chatting

There are some very FUN and educational apps on this website!

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The student will visualize the difference between minor and major chords using Arpeggios.

The student will compose an original melody using the the Melody Maker.


So this picture is of poor-quality, and I am terribly sorry! However, Alex and I used FaceTime as our form of video-chatting. There was some slight lag in our video, but it is much better when you connect to a good wifi connection. It is very possible to give lessons via FaceTime. A jam session would be difficult due to potential lag of people trying to play on both sides in synchronization. If for some reason the a teacher could not make it to school that day, or perhaps for an extended period of time, that teacher could FaceTime, Skype, etc. into class and give the lesson for that day. There would probably need to be a substitute teacher in order facilitate a lesson like this.


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